Adult Ministries
Men’s Ministry – Monthly breakfasts and events. Led by Pieter Koehl.
Women’s Ministry – Offering various events for encouragement and fun. Led by Tema Tellado and Gloria Oikelome. 


Young Adults Group – Monthly meetings for ages 18-30. Led by Mike and Rachel Bradbury.

Adult Bible Study Group – Sundays from 9:00am to 10:00am in the Meeting Place. Led by Pastor Joel Hackman.

Grief Care – Support group including seminars designed to rebuild lives after the loss of a loved one. Led by Stephanie Kligge.

Emotional and Inner Healing Ministries

Ancient Paths – Two annual seminars dedicated to helping people build a godly heritage for multiple generations, restoring biblical foundations of emotional health, marriage, family, and finance. Led by Shirley Hackman.

Restoration Prayer Ministry – Dedicated to bringing emotional and spiritual healing and freedom to individuals who have experienced trauma and abuse.  Contact the church office for more information.

Prayer Meetings

Congregational Prayer Meeting – 1st and 3rd Wednesday evenings at 7:00pm in the Worship Center. Led by John & Fonda Mann.
Women’s Prayer Conference Call –  Wednesdays at 10:00am. Focus is prayer requests from our congregation. Led by Esther Hedrick.
USA/Israel Prayer – First Sunday of the month, in the prayer room, following Sunday service. Led by Lori Meed.
Life Groups
Life Groups – Groups vary and may include Bible study, prayer, and worship sessions, or sharing and enjoying a common interest. If you’re interested in starting or leading a Life Group contact Pastor Aaron at